Final Blog Post


Like everything in life, our world needs balance in regards to how much we use technology. 

Too much of a good thing can lead to greed and not enough of something can lead to limitations. 

Without technology we wouldn't be able to do half the things that we do in one day. It has completely revolutionized our world. 

From scrolling on instagram to keeping up with the latest political news around the world,  Technology plays a huge role in my life, from the very first moment I get up in the morning to when I go to sleep. It is how I communicate with my family, keep in contact with my friends from home, order food, look up questions I have on my homework, it is how I receive an itinerary for game days, keep up with what's going on in the world around me and search how to get a stain out of a shirt. 

I have seen and felt  the progression of the amount of time is consumed by technology from when I was younger till now

Quarantine especially opened my eyes up to how dependent we were as a generation on technology, but also made me aware of the things I used to do - finding joy without technology

My digital footprint is my social media profiles, LinkedIn, the High Point Women's lacrosse roster.  Until now, my digital footprint has only ever been pictures. My blog is my first footprint in which my voice has made its mark. This class has taught me to embrace my role as being an active citizen, voicing my opinion,  and to take advantage of the opportunity to share my voice.

My favorite part of technology is the instant access it gives us to listen to other people’s voices from around the world. However, no matter how amazed I am by the next technological advance, there will always be something about writing with pen on paper. 

Nothing compares to writing and pouring your thoughts out on paper. Blogging has reminded me of journaling, keeping a diary , how good writing is for the soul. Like the videos we watched in class, finding a balance is what we need. If we can learn to put our energy towards words rather than pictures, I believe it would lead to more authenticity and creativity in the world. Instead of posting superficial emotions online and using it as a highlight real or spreading false-information, look deep within your heart and your mind and let the ideas flow.

There is something so amazing about transferring ideas from your mind to words on a page. I just love everything about the messiness, genuineness, and uniqueness of an individual's handwriting establishes a connection with the audience; a connection of imperfection

I think that the downfall of the technology world we live in, is that the message behind our words can get lost behind the universal Times New Roman font size 12.  Which is why I wanted to show with you the messiness and realness of my work, not just the perfection that my blog shows. 


The past several months I have learned the importance of using your voice and advocating your thoughts not just so others can hear you, but so you can truly hear yourself.
